Sunday, August 8, 2010

some people just know

Some people just know from the get-go.

Angel Barajas of Woodland, California.
circa 1987/1988

Friday, August 6, 2010

junk pop

We all have collections of objects and items that to some would be a pile of junk, but to us impart meaning and significance.  For us, they represent a collection of memories and stories to share with others and ourselves.  Yet artist Jason Mecier out of San Francisco, CA, uses his collections to show his sense of imagination and appreciation for pop culture. 

Is this the birth of 'Junk Pop'?

Check out more of Jason's work at:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

little boxes

Take a moment to admire this photo as you take in the lyrics and rhythm of this iconic song.

This still photograph of Malvina Reynolds offers an impact as timeless as the message contained in her song.  Together the picture and the lyrics ask us, the viewer, are we living our unique, authentic life?  

-for a biography on Malvina Reynolds, check out: 

Sunday, August 1, 2010

in their own time

The Great Sphinx of Giza near Cairo, Egypt sits in the foreground of the Great Pyramid of Giza.  This site boasts of remarkable bragging rights:  The pyramid is the only wonder of the ancient world to survive into modern times.

Originally built to serve as the eternal resting place for the ancient Pharaohs and other notable elite, it's incredible to think that this structure has remained intact for thousands of years.  Will it indeed last into eternity here on Earth as originally intended?

The photos here, courtesy of Maria Palomino, suggest that it may endure the test of time.  It appears in some instances that other things--not just the pyramid--haven't changed for thousands of years either.

A crucial question remains, however.  Why, of all the wonders of the ancient world, is this the only one to have survived into our modern age?  Is there a message to be discovered, something the ancient Pharaohs still wish to share with the world?

How great it would be to travel the tunnels of time back to when the Pharaohs were still alive and compare our stories with their stories from long ago.  Yet, they might just be planning to do this in their own time...Maybe that's why they've been sticking around for so long...