Friday, April 30, 2010

let the light shine

Every so often you just need to step away from it all, find your center and breathe.  Pull it together and remind yourself that you are loved and protected, no matter what comes your way.  Every so often others could use a reminder that they are loved and protected, too.  Who do you know that could use your thoughts and good intentions at this moment? 

Inside the gorgeous cathedral in Cologne, Germany, this quiet corner lets the light shine on those who need a good dose of inspiration and strength.  Come as you are, stay as long as you need until your inner light starts shining brightly on its own again.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

moooove along please

It's in moments like these that I try to put myself in the other person, umm creature's shoes...
I wonder what the hell she is thinking of me, as I invade her space on this warm and sunny day in Ireland's Connemara region.  As I snap the camera, is she wondering if I will harm her?   Maybe she's in protective mode for her friends down below? Or is she as curious of me as I am of her? 
Or maybe she's just annoyed and wishes she knew enough human speak to tell me to get a life and  moooove the hell out of her way.

Friday, April 16, 2010

if it makes you feel good

“’Cause I wanna show you, baby, that a woman can be tough”

Sometimes the world can get us down. Sometimes the world can treat us rough. Sometimes the world gets so heavy on our shoulders that we just wanna lay down for awhile, stay down for awhile. And pull it all together. Think about the good things and the bad things and all the in-between things. Find the sunshine we’ve been missing. 

Sometimes we find it when we least expect it.  Like on this random day out in Munich. Out of nowhere it catches our eye and we push pause on the world. For a moment, at least. Who knows why? It doesn't matter, I suppose.

If it makes you feel good.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

playing with perception

It’s San Francisco in black and white, and yet it feels like Gotham City. Mobs of people hurry about the streets and yellow taxi cabs dart strategically, skillfully weaving in and out of traffic. The gray and shadow of the skyline grab hold of my imagination. I hear a newsboy crying the latest headline. I see coppers slowly roaming the streets with a watchful eye and a heavy baton in hand. In a moment I have forgotten reality and start to wonder when a masked hero will plunge from the building tops and descend valiantly to street level. There will be action. There will be excitement.

Playing with perception, I can see a world which isn’t really there. Is that right? Or, what else could be under my nose all along that I am just not letting myself see?